31122012 ,lost,life and YOU

aku gilakan twins yang sangat comel nieeee !

pejam celik pejam kadang-kadang tak celik.aikk?kita dah nak masuk tahun baru kann?usia makin meningkat.tumbesaran?emmm,pon makin meningkat.hihihi.tapi,adakah amalan seharian kita semakin meningkat?muhasabah diri.tepuk dada,tanya iman .Alhamdulilah aku masih bernafas.masih boleh menghirup udara segar.Alhamdulilah.resolution 2012?selalunya aku akan buat resolution tapi kali ni tak kot.2012 sangat penuh dengan drama.penuh dengan dugaan.penuh dengan perih dan aku sangat letih meniti kehidupan.lelah untuk menyahut cabaran.kehilangan kepedihan dan diuji itu perkara biasa.perkara biasa.kadang-kadang aku terfikir,ni ke pengakhiran 2012 aku?entah.aku tak dapat tafsirkan melalui kata-kata.damn.damn.*feeling feeling.aku just berharap aku akan kuat dan gagah untuk hari seterusnya.gagah mengigit cebisan kekuatan untuk menggantikan segala kelemahan.dah macam nak pergi berperang bagai dah.aku rindu saat saat yang tak terganti.yang tak akan pernah kembali.kalau laa aku ada time machine,aku akan gunakan sepenuhnya untuk mengembalikan segala memori indah bersama yang tersayang.kann?Angan angan bagai melukut ditepi gantang.ehhh.Sometimes the littlest thing in life changes something forever and there will be times when you wish you can go back to how things used to be but you just can't because things have changed so much.kannnn?I just wish I could roll back the clocks to when things were the same.then,we were all just a bunch of crazy teenager looking for a wild time.But now, thing aren't the same.Each of us have gone our different ways.We change, people change,things just change,and we aren't those crazy teenagers looking for a wild time anymore.We're teenagers looking for a person to love and a person to hug when we're in need.hmmm..

Have you ever heard a song from so long ago with so many memories tied to it that it made you cry?And didn't you with that you could go back into time when everything seemed so much simpler and carefree?Those are songs that are the soundtrack of our lives.the ones that bring back childhood memories, best friends, first love, first heartbreak.yeah.the memories.kadang-kadang aku tak pasti dengan apa yang aku inginkan sebenarnya but i want a perfect ending. ! Now I've learned the hard way that some poems don't rhyme,and some stories don't have a clear beginning,middle,or end.Life is about not knowing, having to change,taking the moment and making the best of it,without knowing what's to happen next.i believe that every story has an end,but in life every ending is just a new beginning.kann?

i can never turn back the pages of time,though i may wish to relive a happy moment,or say goodbye just one last time,i never can because the sands of time continue to fall and i can't turn the hourglass over. hmmm :( Sometimes,no matter how much faith i have,i lose people.But i never forget them.And sometimes,it's those memories that give me the strength to go on.andddddddd Sometimes i have to forgive someone just because i want them in my life. :/ 

People change its a part of life, but sometimes its easier to hold on to the memories of who they were..rather then to realize who they have become.
Life doesn't hurt until you have time to yourself to think about how things have changed,who you've lost along the way, and how much of it is your fault.Sometimes there are things in our life that aren't meant to stay. Sometimes change may not be what we want.Sometimes change is what we really need.And sometimes saying goodbye is the hardest thing you think you'll ever have to do,but sometimes it's saying 'hello again' that breaks you down and makes you the most vulnerable person you'll ever know.Sometimes change is too much to bear,but most of the time change is the only thing saving.

Sometimes things happen in our lives that tear us apart inside, but if we don't learn to look past them and see the sun shining above the clouds,we will forever be standing in the rain.bak kata mijaa,forever alone.haha.Aku dengar lagu dalam blog dia sambil menulis entry nie.best gile laguu tuu.lagu Yuna ke,mijaa?dah bergaul sebati entry aku nie.tulahhh.bajet mek salleh sangat kannn.grammar salah bertaburan sana sini.okehhh boiiii :) 

ehhh,aku rasa salah..hmm,kurang comel sebenarnya experience the best teacher.ehhh,suka hati dia jerr.tapi,bagi aku laa e
xperience is the worst teacher because it gives the test before presenting the lesson.errrr...haha.

With love,


  1. Nicely said. Agree with you Amna. Totally agreeee. :)

  2. thanks for the comment :) much appreciated i'm just saying what i feel .hihi.
