
People around me is teaching me..~Thanks~
Hello!I'm a little monster..do you see me?lol..stupid question..Monster ini berkawan ngan semua org,kecuali orang tu rasa dirinya tak dihargai..-sekian- okeyh,,the point is,,Monster cilik nie takkk suka people who love to scornful remark someone:P it's very churlish..Even the skit.ske hati nk label org..tAlk to the hand.:p.Just make my temperature increase highly..Amna!what are you rambling?back to the story,my lovely teacher said,kalo kamo benci seseorang tu,orang tu akan lebih membenci kamo.Benci tanda sayang.:p.I am totally agree!so,I don't love to pick a fight.But,if you want it,why not???:p(pengakuan agak silly-billy)The point is,,jgn berani ckp blkg and judge orang,,x puas hati jumpa orang tu..conteng2 dinding,tendang2 kerusi,memberontak dan lain2 lagi,,Takkan selesai masalah..The moral value is,,Terima kawan kita seadanya,,jgn cuba untuk membencinya,,sbb dia akan lebih membenci kita..Faham tak??tak faham jupe kaunselor ea.~bkn ceramah murahan~ Thanks..


  1. hahaha,,bkn laa..sye tujukan untuk Azrul dan ahli2nya,xder kene mengene nga awk,not u laa..aik,,mcm awk jer terasa..the truth is,sye tak terasa.!.:D lain kali tnye dulu sye tujukn tuk spe,,tiba mri bab mengata,melabel..whateva laah..peace no war!

  2. amna, awak kawan ke dengan azrul and the gang?
    ouh me ? haha.
    if me ? sorry babe.
    ahaha. nape awak delete all of my comments ?
    tape~ kalau saye malu pon. hhihihi

  3. i mean dat even diorg musuh sye but sye msh bule jdkn diorg kwn sy,hahaha.,why not,pIqa..sye delete all ur comments because xnk org judge Kita mcm2,,cukup aa..xpsl2 nnti kene slg bermaaaafan,,although nothing happens.clean and clear? :D tutup topic nie..sekian.
